If your Company is thinking about changing to new Shift patterns. We describe the processes involved to do this.
If you have any questions, please call us.
As well as the Staff Schedule, which is how most people will start off with, there are various ways in which Visual Rota can be used for analysis purposes. The alecrmation table contains definitions of your shifts(see Shift Wizard), and these definitions can be amended easily and quickly to enable you to experiment with changes to your usual schedule. This enables you to perform 'What If..' analyses, such as;
What if - we decide on different hours per shift?
What if - we start the day earlier?
What if - we finish the day later?
What if - we have a change-over period?
What if - we stop paying for staff breaks?
What if - we start paying for staff breaks?
What if - we have Saturdays, or Sundays, at normal rates?
What if - the hospital expands, how many new staff do we need?
What if - everyone wants a holiday at the same time?
What if - the Matron went on maternity leave?
What if - EU regs forbid long shifts?
What if - EU regs insist on minimum rest periods between shifts?
What if - we increase staff breaks?
What if - the staff lottery syndicate wins the jackpot?
What if -we use different shifts?
What if - we decide on different staff levels per shift?
What if - we have a pay increase, how much will it really cost?
Before Visual Rota you would have had a lot of work to do to answer these questions. Now you can pose and answer these, and combinations of these, types of questions in seconds.