Changing to new Shift Patterns |
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There are many reasons for using Visual Rota, such as staff morale, increased motivation, enhanced recruitment and retention of staff, reduced sickness and absences, and controlling the use of bank and agency staff. By no means the least of these is the staffing costs savings and the potential of increased revenue earnings from using Visual Rota.
How does using Visual Rota save money? is a question we are often asked, and it is quite simple. Interestingly enough, we have not been asked, "How much money will it save?" although this is fairly simple to calculate. Visual Rota saves your organisation money in 4 ways.
Visual Rota makes three types of cost saving, in controlling overstaffing, in productivity, and by saving time.
Visual Rota will ensure that you have the correct numbers of staff on duty, however, there are many instances when you have more staff than usual. This is due to staff contract hours not being connected directly to the shift pattern, and holidays not falling evenly throughout the year. The first step is to find out the excess shifts which you need to fit in so that staff contract hours are adhered to. Then you need to find the cost of these excess shifts. Visual Rota will do both for you. Once you know which are the extra shifts and the cost, then you need to turn this potential cost function into a revenue function. This is easy to do by creating a regular pattern of extra shifts for a specific purpose. It could be training, special sales promotions, additional specific clinics. Allowing random overstaffing is just wasting money, doubled up. They are costing money and not producing any revenue.
Secondly, productivity savings.
Visual rota will ensure that you have the same number of staff completely the same tasks day after day. When staff perform the same tasks, with the same number of staff, at the same time of day, they are very much more productive, than in situations where they are required to perform different tasks, with different staff, at different times of the day, doubled. Why doubled, well, the first time they do a task, they only have to learn that task. When they have to do the same task, but in a different scenario, they must first unlearn the old method, because that will no longer work, then learn the new method. Most of us have experience the situation of working our normal routine tasks in a set time, but, when an extra member of staff is suddenly available to help, it takes longer to get through the work! This is quite a usual phenomena, and is explained in detailed on our website.
Thirdly, It saves time.
The time it takes to do the original staff rosters and subsequent rearrangements is quite considerable. When this time can be shortened to a tenth of the current time, then the organisation has several options to use this additional free time. Exactly how to use this extra time productively sometimes poses a problem, how does a manager of staff who has to be there anyway save the organisation money if one task is shortened? Staff rostering is a cost function to the organisation, it is not an earner of revenue, so the organisation should switch the managerial time gained to a revenue function, such as client liaison, training, originating new sources of revenue, production efficiency programs. Then, you have a saving in costs and an increase in revenue, and this is an exponential increase.
As an example ;
A manager spends 50% of their time doing the staff roster.
If we assume that the managers' WagesCost/hr = £10. irrespective of how they spend the time.
If we also assume that the manager earns the organisation £20/hr when not doing the staff roster.
Then, for every 100hrs of work, the wage Cost is £1000. (£10 x 100hrs)
Staff rostering takes 50hrs and costs £500,
which leaves 50hrs of revenue earning at £20/hr, which equals Earnings of £1000.
Hence, the net profit earned by the manager is Earnings-Cost=£1000-£1000=£0
Assume Visual Rota cuts the time to do the staff roster by half, to 25hrs in every 100hrs worked.
The cost of the 100hrs is still £1000,
however, the revenue earning time is increased, from 50hrs to 75hrs.
The 75hrs will now earn £1500 and
the net profit earned by the manager is now, £1500-£1000=£500.
Assuming Visual Rota can cut the time taken to one tenth of the original time,
then the manager will have 95hrs of revenue earning time in every 100hrs worked,
and that comes to a net profit of £900.
This example is true, whether the manager originally spends 50% or 10% of their time, by cutting down the time taken in any cost function and redeploying that time to a revenue function, the organisation will make a double saving.
Fourthly, ability to try out new scheduling scenarios.
If you have ever wondered whether there is a better method of achieving your staffing requirement? The easiest method is to use Visual Rota, in just a few minutes you can input your new ideas and see whether they are working out as you hoped. Or you can make changes to your current schedule and immediately see the difference.
The savings from using Visual Rota are substantial, and they derive from all of the above methods. When you can save on staffing, increase their productivity & generate more useful hours, combined with the ability to reorganise, the end results can be very profitable.
Last of all, Visual Rota eliminates most of the human error in payroll calculations. The more of the payroll process that can be automated, the less chance there is of human error occurring.